NYCB Certification Renewal Process
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Thank you for your interest in renewing your certification and your dedication to the field. Your completed renewal application is due 45 days before your expiration date to avoid a $25 late fee. The review process can take up to 4 weeks once a completed application is received by NYCB. Renewal is a 2-step process:
Step 1 - Complete Approved Renewal Training — Any training from these lists will be accepted for both CARC (18 hours required) and CRPA (28 hours required) renewal. Any training submitted which is not posted on one of these six lists will not be accepted.
- Complete 15 hours (CARC) or 24 hours (CRPA) from these three lists. Mix and match to suit your schedule, budget, interest etc.
- List of Trainer-led options (alphabetized by trainer last name) - Click here. Sign up for approved training by going to the Friends of Recovery NY website (click here) or contacting trainers directly.
- List of conferences and computer-based options - Click here.
- List of Professional Development (4 hours maximum) - Click here
- Complete 3 hours (CARC) or 4 hours (CRPA) of Ethics from one of the approved Ethics options on this list: Click here.
CRPA-only: Did you submit 4 hours approved Medication Supported Recovery (MSR) training with your original CRPA or CRPA-Provisional certification application? If not, you must add this training to your renewal application (it will count towards your 28 hours) - see MSR options at This requirement does not apply if you have already submitted this training, or if you are CARC.
CRPA Family- 6 hours approved renewal training in family-oriented education, family systems, and/or family theory; including a minimum of 1 hour in cultural competence. Current CRPA status is required to renew this certification.
List of approved CRPA-Family Renewal Training. Click here.
VSR (Veteran Supported Recovery): 3 hours of approved renewal training in courses related to any of the four performance domains of the Veteran Supported Recovery certification - Advocacy, Recovery for Veterans, Military Culture, Ethical Responsibility.
List of approved VSR Renewal Training. Click here.
CRPA-Youth: 6 hours approved renewal training in youth-oriented education, including a minimum of 1 hour in cultural competence. Current CRPA status is required to renew this certification.
CJSR (Criminal Justice Supported Recovery): Forthcoming
PSP (Peer Supervision Professional): Forthcoming
CRPA Provisional is not eligible for renewal or extension. If the certification expires before the Upgrade to CRPA has been completed, the candidate has the option of applying for full CRPA without having to retake foundational training. The application form is linked on the "Apply Here" page.
When you have completed the required training, please submit your renewal application in Certemy. To begin your renewal application, please log into your Certemy account using the following link: and submit your online renewal application with renewal training certificates and payment.
All trainer-led trainings must have the appropriate ASAP-NYCB trainer badge on the certificate or the certificate will not be accepted.
The application review/approval process can take up to four weeks from receipt of your completed application. Incomplete applications or applications without payment/scholarship will not be reviewed until complete.
In order to confirm your expiration date, please click here to look up your information in the NYCB Professional Registry.
What if my CARC or CRPA certification has expired?
Late Renewals (certification expired for less than a year)
Candidates must complete the steps outlined above, as well as submit the applicable late fees:
1) $25 for applications submitted less than 45 days before expiration and less than 6 months after expiration
2) $50 for applications submitted between 6-12 months after expiration
Please contact Elisabeth Kranson, Director of Certification, at or Program Associate, Cathie Gifford at if your certification has lapsed and you do not see a renewal application available to you in your Certemy account.
Reinstatement (certification expired for more than a year):
- Candidates must submit all renewal requirements listed above, including: completed online application and training documentation showing completion of required renewal training (18 hours for CARC and 28 hours for CRPA). Please see approved renewal training options posted on the lists at the right column on this page.
- Candidates must also take the foundational training again (60 hours for CARC and 50 hours for CRPA). The training used for original certification is ineligible. Please see Approved Training options at
- Pay the standard renewal fee of $100 AND $100 late fee.
- Candidates are not required to re-take the IC&RC Peer Recovery exam (CRPA only).
Questions? Contact Elisabeth Kranson, Director of Certification, at or Cathie Gifford, Program Associate, at