Welcome to the Peer Workforce Initiative (PWI).
Founded to support development of the recovery-oriented skills of the peer recovery professional workforce, ASAP-PWI offers a catalogue of original role trainings leading to award of advanced professional certifications.
These certifications are designed for individuals with significant role experience utilizing foundational certifications (CARC and/or CRPA, or a recognized equivalent from outside of NYS). For information on foundational CARC and CRPA, please see our homepage at https://www.asapnys.org/ny-certification-board/. Applications for all certifications are available on the Certification Applications page - https://www.asapnys.org/apply-here/
Please click on the following links to access the PWI trainings and further information, including details of eligibility and requirements, and application instructions, for the associated certifications.
ALL PWI TRAINING (EXCEPT PSP, a non peer role) IS APPROVED FOR EITHER ROLE CERTIFICATION TRAINING OR CONTINUING EDUCATION, BUT NOT BOTH (one-time use only). For details of our Certification Renewal Program, please see the program page at https://www.asapnys.org/renewal-program/.
NYCB Originals (Standalone, not "CRPA" suite)
Peer Supervision Professional (PSP):
For individuals from any professional background or discipline who supervise peer professionals in any service setting. This is a foundational certification for a non-peer role. The training is open to all, but may not be used for CARC/CRPA renewal purposes.
Role Delineation Study click here
Role Competencies (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities) click here
Training: 20-hour role training for PSP has been approved, with first role trainings offered in March 2024. Connect with the following trainers to confirm dates and registration:
Lori Drescher: lori@recoverycoachuniversity.com
Theresa Knorr: tknorr12@gmail.com
Toby Haskins: recoverytechnyc@gmail.com
Lisa Nichols: lnichols758@gmail.com
Debra Rhoades: deb@rhoadesrecovery.com
Tawana Rowser-Brown: trbconnections@gmail.com
Amanda Toal: recoverytriberoc@gmail.com
Ethical Framework click here
Certification Standards/Requirements click here
Exam: Instructions will be emailed to candidates by the certification team when PSP certification applications are approved by the Board.
Application: Now available on the Certification Applications page - https://www.asapnys.org/apply-here/
Criminal Justice Supported Recovery (CJSR)
A peer recovery specialized certification
Role Delineation Study click here
Training: 20-hour role training for CJSR has been approved for certification or continuing education. Email co-trainer Deb Rhoades for further information and to be added to the wait list for upcoming dates, deb@rhoadesrecovery.com
Ethical Framework click here
Certification Standards/Requirements click here
Exam: This certification requires a recognized foundational peer certification to qualify. As an advanced peer certification, there is no exam.
Application: Now available on the Certification Applications page - https://www.asapnys.org/apply-here/
- Veteran Supported Recovery (launched 2021):
Designed for individuals working with Veterans in any service setting.
Training: Specialized training is linked on the dedicated VSR webpage at https://www.asapnys.org/veteran-supported-recovery/. Training is offered online in two self-paced, asynchronous parts: Orientation (prequisite 5 hours) for non-Veterans and Core Role Training (20 hours) for Veterans and Orientation graduates. Training is offered with Closed Captioning.
Exam: There is no exam for VSR certification
Certification: See dedicated program page for details of the certification, required training and other application standards.
Application: Now available on the Certification Applications page - https://www.asapnys.org/apply-here/
CRPA-parenthetics (must be full CRPA to qualify for certification)
CRPA-parenthetics are advanced certifications designed to confirm practitioner competence in Medicaid-reimbursement eligible roles in New York State. Only pre-existing CRPA certificants in good standing are eligible to apply for parenthetic certifications. Other restrictions, including a role-specific “lived experience” requirement, may also apply:
- CRPA-Youth (launched September 2023):
The CRPA-Youth training program was developed in association with Families Together in NYS.
Training must be completed in the following order:
- 10 hours online prerequisite (asynchronous), click here for instructions on how to access this training (now available);
- 9 hours online training (asynchronous); click here to register
- 1 hour in-person (online): CRPA-Youth Ethics module with an authorized facilitator - click here for details
Certification: See dedicated program page for details of the certification, required training and other application standards - https://www.asapnys.org/certified-recovery-peer-advocate-youth/
Application: Now available on the Certification Applications page - https://www.asapnys.org/apply-here/
- CRPA-Family (introduced 2019):
The CRPA-Family training program was developed in association with Families Together in NYS.
Training: Training must be completed in the following order:
- 10 hours online prerequisite (asynchronous), click here for instructions on how to access this training;
- 10 hours training (synchronous, online or in-person), click here for the training page;
Certification: See dedicated program page for details of the certification, required training and other application standards - https://www.asapnys.org/certified-recovery-peer-advocate-family/
Application: Now available on the Certification Applications page - https://www.asapnys.org/apply-here/
For information about additional foundational and standalone certifications offered by the New York Certification Board, please visit https://www.asapnys.org/ny-certification-board/.